Concentration on the core business is the responsibility of every company, but in no other industry, is this kind of thinking more relevant than in the banking sector. Energy and its efficient use is becoming more and more the focus - and when it comes to purchasing energy, whoever offers the best price wins. Digital banking and data centers have long replaced counting boards and cash desks. To ensure energy efficiency and their service expansions stays firmly on track, we are steadfast: The Apleona COC
Customer References
- Germany's largest bank
- Commerzbank
- ING Diba
- NRW Bank
- Postbank
Energy Efficiency Services
- Implementation of consultancy services within the framework of the introduction of a certified energy management system, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001, as well as support for the maintenance of the certificate
- Implementation of energy audits and inspections to maintain legal compliance
- Energy inspections in accordance with §12 of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)
- Energy audits in accordance with DIN EN 16247-1 and in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), both nationally and internationally
- Savings guarantee through energy-efficient building operations by implementing and operating a Building Operation Control Center (BOCC)
- Implementation of energy and specific technical analyses, such as lighting and HVAC, to determine savings potentials within the context of energy consumption and cost-saving programs
- Implementation of energy-saving projects, in a buildings various technical facilities, as part of energy-savings and cost-saving programs
- Implementation of energy-saving projects, for a buildings various technical services, as part of energy consumption and cost-saving programs.
- Conception, design & build, and implementation of lighting optimisation with energy-efficient LED technology at the head office of a major bank
- Holistic integration of all environmentally relevant aspects, such as waste management, safety and health at work
- Creation of energy consumption and cost transparency through the implementation of our metering and monitoring solution, 'enerlutec'
- Implementation of a digitized energy invoice control system, to increase process efficiency and minimize interfaces and sources of error, to create cost transparency and reduce procurement costs