When different elements become a compound, this is called synthesis. We have a valuable connection - to our customers in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Spotlessly clean products, dust and germ-free environments and yet maximum energy and cost efficiency? This is not a contradiction for us - but a synthesis of experience, know-how and innovation. Thus Apleona offers its customers a valuable connection with the COC!
Customer References
- K+S AG Kassel
- Qiagen GmbH
- Sanofi Aventis (Side Frankfurt Devices) Deutschland GmbH
- Zentiva Inhalationsprodukte GmbH
- Abbvie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
- AKZO Nobel
- AMGEN Research GmbH
- Astra Zeneca
Energy Efficiency Services
- Implementation of consulting services within the scope of maintaining a certified energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001
- Implementation of audits to maintain energy law compliance including
- Energy inspections in accordance with §12 of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)
- Energy audits in accordance with DIN EN 16247-1 and in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
- Implementation of energy and specific technical analyses, such as compressed air, lighting, and HVAC, to determine the savings potentials within the context of energy consumption and cost-saving programs
- Implementation of energy-saving projects, for a buildings various technical services, as part of energy consumption and cost-saving programs.
- Conception, design & build, and implementation of lighting optimization with energy-efficient LED technology
- Creation of energy consumption and cost transparency through the implementation of our metering and monitoring solution, enerlutec